Why I Created This Website

The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step, and I just finished tying my shoes.

Creating a website is a pretty liberating experience. When I registered this domain, I had so many different ideas in my head with which I could take this website. The original reason behind its creation was to establish an strong online presence; I didn’t feel comfortable with random press articles from middle school as the extent of my presence for any curious employers willing enough to Google me. Then, I decided that I wanted to add a blog for political commentary and personal expression. Next, I decided that I wanted to create an Impossible List to identify and mark off goals in all areas of my life. Now, I’ve been toying with some new ideas, but I’ll keep them private for now. Come back here in a little bit to see if I’ve added them.

When I started this project, I wanted to make sure I was entering into it with the right mindset. I didn’t create this to impress potential employers or peers. I created this website as a personal home base; an online destination where I could showcase my talents, display my passions, and share my thoughts to anyone who was willing to listen.

Looking forward, I’m still not sure how the website will end up looking. But I won’t let the indeterminacy of the final website prevent me from taking action now. I’ve made big promises to myself, and it’s about time to make good on them.

In any case, welcome aboard! As your captain I should warn you, it may be a bumpy ride at first. However, I think you’ll find the destination to be well worth the trip.